The Bouchard family has been present on the territory for 5 generations. It officially founded the Ferme des Chutes in 1974 and La Fromagerie in 1993.
We may affirm that the land, the animal care and transformation installations as well as the products still benefit from its founders know-how at the business now known asBOUCHARD Artisan Bio. To this early vision is grafted a modern vision focused on the respect of all things living, the desire to educate and the go-to-market choices of its current owners.

Gérard Bouchard
Organic farmer and co-founder
It’s in 1971 that he decides to purchase the family’s land neighbouring farm. His father François-Nil and he decided to work together to house their cattle in the same barn. Gérard took care of managing the herd of cattle and also of its financial aspect in the later years.

Rodrigue Bouchard
Organic farmer and co-founder
In 1974 he decides to join his grand-father and father by taking over the family farm with his brother. Rodrigue and Gérard associate to become the Ferme des Chutes. Rodrigue takes care of the fields and the mechanical maintenance of the machinery on top of also keeping an eye on everything to ensure a smooth farming operation.

Pierre Bouchard
Organic farmer and co-founder
In 1981 he became the third brother to join the family farm and becomes a shareholder in 1986. As early as 1988 he is working at the cheese dairy as much as a cheesemaker than as an administrator responsible for production as well as…. goods delivery!

Lyse Rosa
Organic farmer and co-owner
In 1986 Rodrigue’s wife also becomes a shareholder. From 1986 until 1995, she takes care of the chickens and since 1983 is also involved as a cheesemaker assistant.

Suzie Brassard
Organic farmer and co-owner
In 1986 Gérard’s wife also becomes a shareholder. From 1986 until 1995, she takes care of the chickens and since 1983 is also involved as a cheesemaker assistant.

Carl Bouchard
Organic farmer and co-owner
Carl returned to the region in 2003 as an agriculture graduate. He becomes co-owner of the farm in 2008 and of the cheese dairy in 2017. His main role is to run the farm’s operations. He acts as an organic farming leader thanks to his recognizable involvement in the region’s agriculture. He was also on the Musée du fromage’s board of directors for five years, including three as president. His notoriety advantageously supports the cheese dairy’s development.

Annie Bouchard
Organic farmer and co-owner
While Annie was away from the region for over 20 years, she completed a business administration degree, with concentration in business management. She then cumulated some solid experience in continuous improvement for some renowned businesses. In 2016, Annie returned to her roots and today has taken over the family business. She is mainly responsible for the operational management and the cheese dairy development. Focused on customer relationship, she partakes in the business’ promotional activities.

Valérie Lefebvre
Organic farmer and co-owner
Native from l’Assomption in the Lanaudière region, she is a well-seasoned manager from the world of customer experience. Having achieved a degree in business administration, with options in tourism management and intervention, she has put forth her go to market knowledge at Bouchard Artisan Bio. She joined the management team with her partner Annie Bouchard in 2016 and mainly focuses on operational management and the cheese dairy development. Focused on customer experience, she partakes in the business’ promotional activities.

Sylvie Girard
Cheesemaker assistant since 1993, she specializes in aged cheese cutting.

Christian Suet
Cheesmaker assistant that joined the team in 2012, he specializes in yogurt fabrication and cheddar-type cheeses.

Jacinthe Saint-Pierre
Works as a delivery agent since 2016.