Respecting nature and all things living
BOUCHARD Artisan Bio has a great respect of all living things. We respect the soil, the animals and the humans that take care of them and the environment. We fabricate exceptional organic milk products, farmer-made, artisanal, non-GMO, without use of preservation or colouring agents, and made without use of pesticides or chemical fertilizers.
Our organic agricultural heritage
We are proud and respectful of the stock breeding and agricultural methods that we learned through our heritage. We use the, on a daily basis through our artisanal work. Our predecessors innovated by developing a particular listening to the nature et we are engaged to perpetuate this vision in development of our products and our business.
We fabricate exceptional organic milk products
Creating and bringing to market exceptional organic milk products made with AgroBoreal milk whose authentic flavours, represents an enormous economical development potential. It is by pursuing our research and by establishing partnerships with other regional artisanal transformers that we will be able to create unique products and to enhance our flavours. It is our duty to share our knowledge and our experiences with our customers, general consumers and our peers.